Detailed outline of Instructor Led Training (ILT) for childcare site providers on creating a breastfeeding friendly space at their site. Learning objectives included for entire four hour course and specifics per section for Lesson #4.
Story Map
Story map of a thirty minute elearning training for the Florida Department of Education about how to homeschool in the state of Florida for interested parents. Topic area differentiated by color variation.
Includes narration for voice over of an e-learning ten minute course for managers on complying with a scheduling mandate. Scenes are color blocked. Script includes two voice over parts.
Design Doc
High level outline of an elearning 10 minute course for managers on complying with a scheduling mandate.
Facilitator Guide
Facilitator Guide for Instructor Led Training (ILT) for childcare site providers on creating a breastfeeding friendly space at their site. Guide includes direction for small and large group presentation.
Facilitator Guide
Facilitator Guide for Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) for health care workers within a medical setting on infection control. Notes to Producer are highlighted.